About the Author

Meet Cindy

Author of When The Brakes Fail

Cindy Carminati Wittstrom is a fourth-generation native to California. She has three children and seven grandchildren and loves to be with all of them. Cindy has been on a fast train most of her life. She has experienced a myriad of things, including a strong family unit, supportive friends, church and extensive travel. Her heart, however, is strongly connected to marginalized communities. As an advocate she has made, and continues to make, a tremendous difference for those in need. Over the years she has participated in many organizations, working with children and clients. She championed the causes of Loaves and Fishes (a local food bank); CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates for abused and neglected children); American Cancer Society; Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Commission; ECHO (homeless shelter and services) and many afterschool programs. Cindy’s illnesses have, in a way, been positive because they have allowed her to speak for others. She has both the insight and the heart to accomplish many changes in this confusing, runaway world